Friday, November 30, 2007

Two different girls..........

It's so amazing to me how we could have two children that are so very different. Not look-wise, they have similarities there, in their eye & hair color. But that is definitely where it ends.

Samantha is quiet.

Quiet at school.

Quiet at dance.

Quiet at religion.

Not so quiet at home.

In fact she talks all the time. You may think to yourself, "there's no way a child could talk all the time..." but she does.

It doesn't matter what I'm doing.... cooking, cleaning, reading, watching t.v., or even typing this blog, she is talking to me. Now trust me, when I reach the point where I really can't take it much more ......................

(I know how this sounds, but think about it, ALL the time..... you are doing laundry & she follows you downstairs, you try to pee, she comes in with you............... you're on the phone ................, etc. etc. )

....................... it is then that i think to myself........... she's almost 11. And she still wants to talk to me. HOORAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!How much longer will that last? Will there come a day when I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and there is no one there talking to me? Will I have to follow her around? How sad will that be.......... So I continue to discuss, chat, and converse with my girl, for as long as she will let me...

Samantha also gets embarrassed real easy. The monthly book report at school takes a lot out of her. Reserved, I guess would be the best way to describe her. In fact, it is the perfect word for her, (not at home), but in general....................she has progressed leaps and bounds lately.......... In fact for the Christmas play at church this year she is hoping for a "big" speaking part. Maybe Mary or the angel Gabriel. Whatever makes her happy and keeps her in her comfort zone works for me :)

Now Libby.

Not so quiet.

Super well behaved.

Student of the month her first month at school.

Perfect behavior every day at school (we get nightly notes, so i know this is true).

But loud, bold, and so so so unique.

Libby is also going to be in the play at church. Last year she was technically a star, she waved her star spun around and smiled......... Don't ask her what she was though, she'll tell you she was THE star. Of the whole play. Move over baby Jesus.................

This year, I read her the choices for her age..........

me: Okay Libby, here are your choices, you can be a dancing angel, a cow, a sheep, a Shepard, a star, or a solider.

Libby: Okay, I'll be the Christmas Tree.

me: Honey there isn't a Christmas Tree, your choices are an angel, a cow, a sheep, a Shepard, a star, or a solider.

Libby: I Know, but I am going to be the tree.

And somehow, someway, and it makes me nervous, I'm sure she'll figure it out.

Tonight at the Junior High School they had a Glenn Colton Concert for the girls' whole school. I'll post some pictures......

Libby sat with her teacher instead of us. It was more interesting over there I guess....

Samantha sat with her friends. They were clapping and dancing along. And after about 30 minutes, she joined in too, as long as Sam & I weren't watching. Reserved.

Libby was dancing her heart out. She polka'd, she hustled, she did the twist, then came a dance that required a conga line. A child from the audience was picked to lead the line. It started that way. And Libby was in the middle. Until the end, then somehow, someway, she ended up leading the line. The entire line. The whole school. She wasn't picked for it, but she made it happen. And no one minded. They loved it.

I'm sure she'll end up being a tree too..... Maybe I should get her involved in politics..........

But Libby doesn't really talk to me. Don't get me wrong we have conversations, I just have to initiate them. She's usually pretty busy doing her own thing. Dancing to the beat of her own drum.

I wonder if it's because she can't get a word in edgewise ! lol. Speaking of my chit-chatty girl, she's been quiet the last minute of so, and she just handed me a note.......... "hi mom" . And here I thought she had forgotten about me.............

I'm going to go to bed now & snuggle with my reserved little girl & my little christmas tree.

25 more days..........................

Samantha , sooooooo embarrassed........ in the conga line :)

See.................. the middle of the conga line is where she started................

Here she is with her little girlfriend creeping up onto to the stage, during the show!!!!......... She loves the spotlight!

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