I am a super proud mom ! My girls patiently grew their hair until they had at least 10 inches to cut off, and donated it to locks of love :) Sam's hair grows back in quickly, and Libby had been growing it for all of her 6 years !
When I was putting Libby's hair in french braids yesterday morning, I was a bit welled up thinking that it may be a long time before I could do her hair again........
We were talking about it, and saying how even though it may take awhile to grow back in, at least she could grow it in, and that some children didn't have that option. That's when she asked if she would look funny without any hair. I didn't catch her meaning at first, and then realized that she thought she had to get it all taken off...... And she was willing to do it to help out another child.
Then I cried ......
1 comment:
Awww... Good job girls! And your hair looks sooo beeeautiteeeful!
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