I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Mine started out a little frazzled, but ended wonderful !
I was a little under the weather, and a lot tired...... ( i have to figure out how to get some sleep soon :( ) And very much feeling sorry for myself. Now I know how lucky I am, I do, but doesn't everyone have those days where it seems like even the mailman is making life more complicated?
Thursday the 20
th after putting 9 kids on the bus I baked 3 dozen cookies & made 50 peanut butter balls for Sammy's work, then went to my brothers to baby sit for a couple hours, then onto
Wal Mart, The dollar store, the post office, Big M, and home to get 4 kids off the bus. Samantha had dance class that night.....
Friday the 21st I spent the whole day at kindergarten from 8:50 to 3:30. Then daycare kids until 6:00......
Saturday the kids had play rehearsal, so first to Tim Horton's then to pick up my
niece, then to
Wegman's to get the snack, then onto rehearsal................and I helped out (weird huh?). Then we came home, and my niece Jenna came home with us, my Aunt Susan & Uncle Don stopped in for a visit, (they are here from Florida) , and then Samantha & i had our dance recital Saturday evening. Sammy was able to make it !!!! Samantha was thrilled! He left work at 7 instead of 8, and we were both in the second half!!! Then my best friend Carie, who faithfully comes to every June & December show came over for a few drinks :)
Sunday was when I started feeling yucky, (I only had two beers over about 4 hours, so don't think that! ) but we had promised the girls that we would go to breakfast, and then to Midtown Plaza to see Santa & ride the monorail. Sammy hadn't had a day off since Thanksgiving & we were so excited for our "family" day. We planned it a couple weeks ago.....So I popped some
advil, and off we got to the "place where they give you the Bee hat" -this was Libby's request & Samantha whole heartily agreed. Sam was not to happy, for you see the "place where they give you the Bee hat" is old country buffet. I love it. I'm such a picky eater that I can decide what to take & what to leave. It works for Samantha too.
After breakfast during which I managed to spill a plate of syrup in a foot long stripe down my shirt, but that was alright because it covered the spots of cheddar cheese that i had already spilled & tried to wipe off. It is for that reason that most of the time I will wear a shirt I can flip around. You see, this unfortunately is a frequent phenomena..... me in the ladies room cleaning whatever it is off my shirt while my family is finishing up their meal. Anyway...... after breakfast we headed downtown.
At this point my headache was so bad, I was nauseous. So I couldn't talk. I was afraid if I opened my mouth, more than words would come out....
So we are driving around and around and around midtown plaza, which I don't understand downtown, so thank goodness for Sam....
Samantha is talking talking talking, and talking to me & expecting answers even though Sam & I told her about 876 times that Mommy had a bad headache & it hurt to talk... but never less the conversation goes on.
Libby is almost chanting "sissy be quiet I want to hear the songs". Chanting to Yelling.
Samantha's mad because I won't join the conversation...
Sam is
PO'd because he can't figure out what door we should go in, and none of the underground parking garage doors are open.... So he's complaining, complaining, complaining.....
It was like this.
"What the F%^K, how the H%^L are we supposed to park, no wonder the city is going to pot, nothing is organized, what door what door what door what door? "
"Mommy what do you think about the new American girl doll, would you call it curly hair? I like this song. What is that man doing? I don't remember the monorail, is it fun. Mommy? Mommy? "
SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSY I want to hear this............ was a jolly happy soul with a corncob pipe and a button nose and two
I wanted to jump out of the van. Really I thought about it, we were just going slowly around and around, I've seen it done on TV, I might have broken a bone or two, but I though it would take my mind off my pounding head...
I didn't jump. Or throw -up. Sammy called downtown & they let us know that Midtown was closed for the day. On Sunday, the 23rd. The Sunday before Christmas. Now we weren't the only sad people, there were tons & tons of people & their kids & grand kids walking around & around & around. We saw them trying all sorts of doors, as we were driving around & I was planning my escape.....
So Libby sobbed on the way home. Samantha was so sad too. And we felt awful.... our big family day, but it was quality time in the van right?
When we got home I slept for a bit, which helped immensely, and Aunt Susan, Uncle Don & my parents & brother & family came over for dinner.... twelve of us. Not to big of a mess.
Christmas Eve added a fever to my headache, and Sam went off to work. I made a big pot of sauce, and got ready for church.
Baths, dresses, where are the white tights? What do you mean black dress shoes, I don't have any.... Oh yeah. Load up the gifts. I wish I had curls in my hair. What time does Santa come? Don't forget the extra dresses for the other kids.
The nativity play was beautiful, funny, and entertaining as usual. Samantha was a High Angel. Libby was an angel dancer. (more on that in a future blog).
On to Aunt Joyce's to see the in-law's. I love them.
Then all too soon on to Aunt Diane's to see the other in-law's. And Sammy met us there. :) Fantastic time too.
Home around midnight, waited for the girls to fall asleep...................
The next morning Santa came :) The kids played..... I made a lasagna & spaghetti & salad &
garlic bread. (very traditional huh?) And baked a mince, apple & pumpkin pie. Frozen pies. Mrs. Smith's actually. And Sammy complained. "Why frozen pies, that's gross, who eats frozen pies. I don't like frozen pies."
Now let's pause & reflect on my last couple days.......... When he thought I'd have time to bake from scratch ????????????????
So I informed my love that he couldn't eat dinner with us, and that there was a microwavable Taco Bell meal in the cupboard for him.
Sammy went to the
cemetery, and my sister-in-law Shelley came over, we visited with her, (and she got me a Homer Simpson
Chia pet !!!!! Two of my favorite things in one!)
The my Parents came over for dinner, I let Sam eat real food.......... and Tommy & family came over for desert.
Sam had pumpkin pie. And like it. And, ready................. apologized.
Tommy & Sammy drank a bottle of Vodka. We played games. The kids danced naked. Samantha wrestle Tommy& won. My Mom had too much wine, My dad was awesome ............
My house looked like a bomb hit it. There were cups & paper & boxes & toys & food everywhere. Everyone was talking at once, the kids were on 10 & super loud.
It was everything I imagined it would be. I LOVED it.
Merry Belated Christmas :) Mine sure was.